#coolpix 995
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towerofglass · 1 day ago
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girlbeans · 4 months ago
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October 21st, 2024
Nikon Coolpix 995
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not-from-your-town · 3 years ago
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Nikon Coolpix 995 (2001) [x]
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ronindeject · 2 years ago
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thankful to own this camera. its a Nikon Coolpix s10 i take it with me everywhere. i remember seeing the Nikon Coolpix 995 and becoming obsessed with the idea of a camera that twists so when i found this model i had to cop 
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cameratoyou · 4 years ago
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*!@# Nikon COOLPIX 995 3.2MP Digital Camera - Black https://ebay.to/32wxw8t
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shoppingfordeals · 5 years ago
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Nikon Coolpix 995 3.2MP Digital Camera 4x Optical Zoom (25047) $149.99
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337702801&item=274252708839&vectorid=229466 Nikon Coolpix 995 3.2MP Digital Camera 4x Optical Zoom …
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jen-mcvey-blog · 7 years ago
Photography in the 90s
Key dates in the history of digital photography from 1990 to 1999:
1990: Kodak develops the Photo CD system and proposes the first “ worldwide standard for defining color in the digital environment of computers and computer peripherals.”
1990: Adobe release Photoshop 1.0 making it the second digital editing program available for Macintosh computers and an important milestone in the digital photography timeline.
1990: Logitech introduces the Dycam Model I and Fotoman digital cameras. It was a true digital camera capable of capturing 320 x 320 pixel black and white photos. The camera had 1 MB of internal memory that could store up to 32 photos. It had a 8mm fixed-focus lens with a shutter speed range of 1/30 to 1/1000 second. The camera came with a cable to download these photos to a computer and sold for $995.
1991: Another milestone in the digital photography timeline was when Kodak released the first professional digital camera system marketed towards journalists. It used a Nikon F-3 camera film body adapted with a 1.3 megapixel Kodak CCD image sensor. It sold for $13,000.
1991: Fuji releases the DS-100 digital memory card camera. This camera had a 390,000 pixel imager and a 8-24mm F/2 power zoom lens. It recorded images to a digital image card and sold for around $5,000. Fuji also sold a card drive that hooked up to a Macintosh computer via the SCSI port resulting in faster image downloads than the typical serial interface more commonly used. This camera included a version of Adobe PhotoShop that allowed the importing of images to a Macintosh computer.
1992: The National Center for Supercomputing Applications release Mosaic the first internet photograph browser another important event along the digital photography timeline.
1994: Apple releases the QuickTake 100 a color digital camera made by Kodak. With as selling price of $795 this camera was able to capture a 640x480 pixel color image and came with a fixed focus 50mm lens. It used three AAA batteries for power and weighed only one pound. It stored up to 32 images at 320 x 240 pixels or 8 pictures at 640 x 480 resolution and connected to a computer via a serial port.
1994: Olympus introduces the Deltis VC-1100, the world’s first digital camera capable of uploading photos using a modem to another camera or computer. It had a built in zoom lens and an image resolution of 768 x 576 pixels. Selling at about $4,000 this camera was also one of the first cameras to store images on an external PCMCIA card.
1994: SanDisk and Kodak released the first CompactFlash Memory Card. Kodak releases a 1 MB version of the card in early 1994 and SanDisk releases 2-24 MB versions of the card later that year. Still widely used today the development of the CompactFlash memory card was an important event in the digital photography timeline.
1995: Ricoh releases the RDC-1 the first digital camera that could also take movies with sound, although the movies were limited to only 10 seconds long. Also in 1995 Casio released the QV-11 which was one of the first digital cameras with an LCD display.
1995: Canon and Kodak jointly released the EOS DCS series of digital cameras intended for professional use. Canon also released the the EF 75-300mm F4-5.6 IS lens. This was the first still camera telephoto lens that had built in image stabilization technology.
1996: The Kodak CD-25 is the first camera to use a Compact Flash card for storage. Canon also started selling its “PowerShot” 600 the first in a long line of “PowerShot” cameras designed for the general user. The Canon “PowerShot” 600 also used a compact flash card to store photos and really marked the beginning of Canon’s full scale start into the digital camera era and a key event on the digital photography timeline.
1996: Sony introduces their first “Cyber-shot” digital camera the DSC-F1. This camera used a .3 megapixel (310,000 pixel) CCD image sensor capable of a resolution of 640x480 pixels. It had 4MB of internal flash memory and could store up to 108 JPEG images. (30 images in fine mode.)
1997: Was a breakout year with Hitachi coming out with the MP-EG1 the first digital camera that captured movies in the MPEG format. At the same time Sony released the Cyber-shot DSC-MD1 the first digital camera that recorded JPEG images onto a MiniDisc (a small CD). This camera had a 640x480 pixel CCD image sensor and a 37 to 111mm F/2 lens with macro functions. The same year Sony also released its MVC-FD5 the first of its Mavica cameras that allowed users to record JPEG images directly to a standard 3.5 inch floppy disk making it easy for the consumer to transfer the images directly to their computers.
1997: Olympus releases the Camedia D-500L. The D-500L had a 1024 x 768 pixel CCD imager and a 50mm to 150mm F/2.8 lens. It retailed for $799 and was the first non-SLR digital camera to use a TTL (through-the-lens) viewfinder.
1997: The Panasonic Palmcam PV-DC1080 is one of the earliest digital cameras to come with a docking station to link to the computer. This camera had a retail price of $550 and used a 640 x 480 pixel CCD sensor with a 55mm fixed focus lens.
1998: Sony’s MVC-FD91 was one of the first cameras to use Sony’s Info Lithium batteries. This allowed continuous feedback as to how much battery life was left as well as eliminating the “memory” problem typical of NICAD rechargeable batteries. Like most other Mavica’s this camera stored images on a standard 3.5” floppy disk. It was one of the first cameras to have a 14X zoom lens with built in image stabilization and a key event in the digital photography timeline. With a 37mm to 518mm effective focal length the camera set a new standard for what today would be referred to as “super zoom” cameras. It had a 1024 x 768 pixel CCD sensor and sold for around $700.
1999: Another important point on the digital photography timeline was when Photohighway.com started the first photography site on the internet where photos can be uploaded directly from a digital camera.
1999: Another milestone on the digital photography timeline came when Nikon released the Nikon D1 which was the first DSLR (digital single lens reflex camera). It had a 2.74 megapixel APS-C image sensor weighed about 3.75 lbs. and cost slightly under $6,000. It also used the standard Nikon F-mount lenses which allowed film photographers could use many of the lenses they already owned. Nikon continued using an APS-C image sensor, known as the “DX sensor” in their digital SLR’s from 1999 to 2007.
1999: Nikon also releases two 2 megapixel cameras capable of producing smaller photo quality prints. The Coolpix 900 came with a zoom lens while the Coolpix 700 had a fixed focal length lens.
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olddigitalcamera · 6 years ago
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ニコンのコンデジである「クールピクス」は1997年に発売された「クールピクス100」から始まる。 一眼レフは富士フィ��ムと共同で開発した1995年発売のE2が最初だが、1998年のE3sまで続くEシリーズは軒並み100万前後のプライスタグをぶら���げていて、コンシューマー向けとは言えないカメラであった。 1999年に「D1」が発売、これが65万円(十分に高価だが)となり、新聞などの報道関係に使われるようになった。 この後、2001年に「D100」が30万で発売され、ようやくデジタル一眼レフが手の届くものになってきたのである。 このクールピクス990は2000年の発売。 特徴でもあるスイバル式のボディは1998年の900から始まり、910、950と続き、990以降も995と続いていくが、コンシューマー向けのニコンのデジタルカメラという意味では、コンデジとはいえ、125,000円のタグを付けた押しも押されぬフラッグシップであった。
コンデジとはいうものの、このスイバル式のボディは決してコンパクトとは言えない。 しかし、このしっかりとしたグリップと、あるべき所にあるスイッチやボタンが実に安定した撮影を可能にしている。 形状こそ、それまでのカメラの形状からは程遠いものだが(これはニコンが一眼レフカメラとの区別を明確にするために、わざとそうしたデザインを採用していたのではないかと推測する)カメラとしての本質的な部分は残していると言えるだろう。 シールでペタリではなく、大きめのニコンのロゴがエンボスになっている所や、グリップのカラー部分がファンの間では好評だったようである。 ボディはマグネシウム製、かなり気合の入ったフラッグシップたる体躯である。
これまで紹介したジャンクコンデジと同様に2000年前後のデジタルカメラは黎明期と言ってもいいだろう。 もっとも現在が完成形かといえば、先のことは分かるはずもないので、デジタルカメラがどうなるのが完成なのかは分からないが、こと静止画に特化するなら約200万画素で1,920×1,080=2,073,600となって2K対応、約800万画素で3,840×2,160=8,294,400となるので4K対応。 話題の8Kは同様の計算で3300万画素だが、これはまだ実用ではない段階だから、現状では完成形といっても過言ではない。 それどころか2000万画素なんて当たり前にあるのだから、一歩先を行っていると言えるだろう。 ちなみに8Kは7,680×4,320=33,177,600で、パブリックビューイングサイズである。
古いデジカメを弄っていると時々直面するのが「メディアがない」問題である。この990はCFカードだがType1の2GBまでしか認識しない。 ウチにあるCFがすべて4GB以上なのを知っていたが、SDからCFに変換するアダプターを持っているので、1GBや2GBのSDをかませて使おうと思っていたのだけど、これがまったく認識されない。 仕方がないので、また古いCFカードを新しく買う事になってしまった。 もちろん新品もあるが、これがまた異様に高い。1000円もしないカメラの為に2000円も払ってカードを買うのは癪に障るので 、あちこち電話をして中古を手に入れたのである。
他にもxDピクチャーカードとかスマートメディアとか極初期のメモリースティックとか。 もう今では探すのが困難な物が使われていることが多く、初めからSDカードを使っていたのはパナソニックくらいではないだろうか。 またこの時代のコンデジはRAW対応ではなくJPEGなのが普通なので、メモリーの容量も少ないから、ほぼMB(メガバイト)仕様なのである。 市場を探せばないことはないのだけど、もう需要がないのでコスト高になっているせいか値段が高いので、またメディアを探す旅に出ることになる。 カメラを購入したところに売っていたりする事もあるのだが、まぁ、まずないと思ったほうがいい。
このカメラはいわゆるカメラとしての部分をニコン、他のデジタル部分を三洋電機が担当している。 カメラ好きの方なら今さら言う必要もないが、カメラメーカー数あれど、イメージセンサーのメーカーはそれほど多くない。N社のカメラにS社のセンサーなんてのは珍しくもなんともない。 では各所それぞれに発色だったりの違いがあるのはなぜかというと、これはセンサーで捉えた情報を画像処理するエンジンが違うせいだ。 なので、この990も当然エンジン(と呼ぶには、まだ未完成なのだけど)を介して画像処理をしているのだけど、デジタルカメラはCCDセンサーから色情報を取り出すのにカラーフィルターというのを使う。 今は殆どが原色フィルターと言われるRGBを取り出すフィルターが使われている。
原色系フィルターに比べて波長の透過範囲の広いフィルターで、C、M、Yの3色とともに、人間の眼にとって最も多くの輝度情報が含まれるG(緑)を加えた4色でデータをつくり、最終的に演算処理によりRGBの原色を生み出してカラー写真を構成している。原色系フィルターより多くの入射光を利用できることから、一般的に解像度が高くなる。 低画素である事は引き伸ばしたときの解像に影響が出るわけだが、このフィルターを使うことで、その弱点をカバーしていると思われる。
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simonhawketts · 8 years ago
I’ve had a soft spot for the Ricoh Caplio range of digital cameras for a while now, so I was really pleased to pick up a Ricoh Caplio R1v as part of a bundle purchase of cameras recently. It is a small, fully automatic, 5Mp  snap shot camera dating from about 2005 with several interesting features which are typical of the Ricoh range.
Ricoh Caplio R1v – lens covered and camera off
Ricoh Caplio R1v – lens extended
Ricoh Caplio R1v – back panel controls
Ricoh Caplio R1v – LCD display
Ricoh Caplio R1v – battery compartment
Ricoh Caplio R1v – top of camera
Ricoh Caplio R1v – bottom of camera
Ricoh Caplio R1v – Side view showing battery door
My Ricoh Caplio R1v Camera
As I said above I managed to pick up this camera as part of a bundle someone sold which was listed as simply ‘old digital cameras’. I actually bid on the bundle because I could see from the rather fuzzy pictures that one of the units was a Nikon Coolpix 995 swivel camera. I’ve had the 995 on my ‘wish list’ since I picked up a Coolpix 950 a few months ago, and I was amazed when I got the bundle of 5 cameras for only £5.
When the bundle turned up I found it consisted of the Nikon Coolpix 995, an Olympus Camedia C2040 Zoom, a Canon Digital IXUS V3, a Praktica Nova 1B and this Ricoh Caplio R1v – quite a haul for £5! I’ve tried the Nikon, Olympus, Praktica and the Ricoh and they all seem fine. The battery on the Canon seems to be completely shot so I don’t know if that works or not yet.
The Ricoh is in pretty good condition – a couple of marks here and there and a little scratch on the back LCD, but generally ok. When I first put some batteries in it I thought that there was a problem because although I could get the display function to work, I couldn’t get the camera itself to work. I played around with it for a while, and then in frustration I found the manual on line and discovered I had to push the grip on the front panel to turn the camera on. Once I’d worked that out everything sprang to life!
Ricoh Caplio R1v Description
As I said above the R1v is a compact, snap shot camera of the sort which has almost totally disappeared now that mobile phones have such good cameras fitted to them.  It is a reasonably tough camera, made from an aluminium body shell with a steel decorative band wrapped round the top and sides, and small enough to easily fit in a pocket or bag. In use it is quite responsive, being ready to take a picture in only a couple of seconds from turn on. That actually makes it as least as responsive as most modern smart phones to take a picture.
The controls are mostly fitted to the back of the camera with a line of buttons down the side of the LCD, a 4 way switch with a central OK button, a zoom rocker switch and a selector switch fitted next to the viewfinder. The shutter release button is on the top of the camera shell, and the on / off switch is on the front. On the side of the unit is a press & slide rubber door which holds the SD card and either 2 AA batteries or a rechargeable battery.
As said above the camera is turned on by sliding the front grip out towards the edge of the camera. This action opens the lens protection cover, extends the lens and switches on the back panel LCD. The LCD is used for composing the picture, but one of the advantages of older cameras like this is the addition of an optical viewfinder as well as the LCD making it much easier to frame subjects in bright sunlight. That is particularly important for this style of camera, which was mostly made for taking on holiday or trips. The optical viewfinder is coupled to the zoom action of the lens, and the autofocus LED is within eyesight when using it so it’s quite easy to use and get accurate results with it.
One of the things I particularly like about Ricoh cameras is that they are made for photographers. What do I mean by that? Well, even though this is a snap shot camera, there are a number of features which many keen photographers would like; for example when the shutter button is half pressed so the autofocus kicks in, the display shows the f stop and shutter speed which will be used to take the picture. Although that can’t be changed by the photographer, it is still useful information to see. There are also various options such as setting the metering mode, iso, a histogram on the display etc which you would expect in a ‘proper’ camera.
So, a few details about the Caplio R1v. The exposure is completely automatic and can’t be overridden, although there is the option to add exposure compensation in situations where you think the metering may have been fooled by backlighting or you want detail in a shadow area. There is also the option to bracket the exposure by +/- 0.5EV, which is an option not usually found on snap shot cameras – another nod to keen photographers. Although the exposure can’t be overridden, it is possible to set an option which will stop the camera selecting shutter speeds below a set level – 1/8sec @ wide angle and 1/30sec @ telephoto focal lengths which is useful when the camera will be hand held.
It is possible to set the focus to manual, but realistically this is not really an option in a camera of this type; the focus is controlled by the zoom buttons and is difficult to accurately judge although a screen enlarge function is supplied. The more interesting focus option is ‘snap’, which automatically fixes the focus at either 2.5M or infinity, making it ideal for holiday snap shots and allows the camera to quickly respond without having to autofocus. This is one of those Ricoh functions which distinguishes their cameras – I don’t think I’ve seen this option on any other make, but all the Ricoh Digital cameras I own have it.
Another useful focus function is the built in macro mode which allows the camera to focus down to 1cm from the front of the lens when set to wide angle. This is particularly useful in small sensor cameras because of the much larger depth of field they provide, making them in some ways superior to modern mirrorless or DSLR cameras for this particular purpose.
For specific scenes there are pre-set camera modes available – Portrait, Sports, Landscape, Night-scape, Text mode and High sensitivity which are selectable with a press of the up arrow on the 4 way controller. Another similar function is Multi Shot – In this mode the shutter release is held down and the camera takes 16 images in quick succession and assembles them into a single picture of separate images. That is quite a useful function if you want to record a sequence or action – again I don’t think this sort of function was widely available at the time.
So that is a brief run through of some of the features of this quite remarkable little camera. It is by no means an exhaustive list – that is provided in the manual which I’ve linked to below.
In the next part of this review I will include some sample photos I’ve taken with the camera, and my impressions of shooting with it.
Ricoh Caplio R1v Specification
Ricoh Caplio R1v 5Mp digital compact camera
Manufactured in about 2005
1.8inch 110k LCD screen
Optical viewfinder
Autofocus with confirmation LED at viewfinder level
Manual focus with enlarged focus area
Snap focus at 2.5M and Infinity
Self timer, Long time exposure, Interval shooting.
4.8x optical zoom
28 to 135mm eq zoom
8sec to 1/2000sec shutter speeds (automatically selected)
Exposure and white balance bracketing
f/3.3 to f/4.8 max aperture
Macro mode focuses to 1cm from lens
Picture ‘scene’ modes
Multishot (like continuous shooting but all pictures in one image)
Selectable metering modes – spot, centre weighted, matrix
+/- 2 stops of exposure compensation
Auto + 5 preset white balance including manual
ISO 64 to 800 + auto
5 different LCD display options
Continuous or step zoom
Sound recorder
Video recording at 320 x 240
Jpeg, Tiff, Wav and Avi file formats
Power 2xAA battery or rechargeable
SD card memory + 12M internal memory
Video & USB sockets
Ser No: 74104526
Handbook available online here
  Ricoh Caplio R1v digital compact camera I've had a soft spot for the Ricoh Caplio range of digital cameras for a while now, so I was really pleased to pick up a Ricoh Caplio R1v as part of a bundle purchase of cameras recently.
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towerofglass · 2 days ago
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girlbeans · 4 months ago
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nikon coolpix 995 -> mystery film from the crusty Yashica 230 AF
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preownedshop · 6 years ago
Nikon COOLPIX 995 Digital Camera 4X Zoom w/ Accessories & Original Box PreOwned
Nikon COOLPIX 995 Digital Camera 4X Zoom w/ Accessories & Original Box PreOwned
For Sale
$49.95 (0 Bids) End Date: Sunday Jul-14-2019 17:27:48 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list
from WordPress https://preownd.net/preowned-cameras/nikon-coolpix-995-digital-camera-4x-zoom-w-accessories-original-box-preowned/
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cameratoyou · 4 years ago
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*!@# Nikon Coolpix 995 3.2MP Digital Camera with 4X Optical Zoom https://ebay.to/3ijIgMR
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pmaniacs · 7 years ago
ES-2は、Coolpix(880, 950, 990, 995, 885, 4300, 5000, 5400)用のES-E28の生まれ変わりかもなあ、と。 https://www.nikonimgsupport.com/na/NSG_article?articleNo=000025752&configured=1&lang=en_SG
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gossipdepartement · 7 years ago
Nikon Coolpix 995 3.2MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom
Nikon Coolpix 995 3.2MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom
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3-megapixel sensor captures enough detail to create prints up to 11 x 14
4x optical plus 4x digital (16x total) autofocus zoom lens
Included 16 MB CompactFlash memory holds 19 images at default resolution
Connects with Macs and PCs via USB port
Uses dedicated lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack (included)
This Nikon CoolPix 995 3.3…
View On WordPress
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fiofle-zeifhi · 8 years ago
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Nikon Coolpix 995 Digital Camera Kamera 3.2 megapixel 8-32mm http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337478837&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229508&item=292182413450
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